Chi-Fa follows the international trend and moves towards net-zero carbon emissions. The company actively cooperates with suppliers who pay attention to carbon emission issues and is committed to optimizing the environment. It implements carbon management from parts procurement, production, delivery and other processes, with the goal of launching machine tools that meet carbon neutral requirements and takes into account the environment. Protect (E, environment) social responsibility (S, social) and corporate governance (G, governance), stabilize production and reduce carbon footprint, hoping to minimize the environmental impact caused by corporate operations and production. To achieve this goal we commit to and implement:

Environmentally Friendly Policy Declaration:
1. Comply with energy laws and implement other relevant standards;
2. Set energy management goals and achieve set performance;
3. Instill energy-saving awareness among all colleagues and implement the purchase of energy-saving equipment;
4. Committed to the design of energy performance improvement and the connection between sustainable issues and the industry.